Upcoming Courses

County Tipperary Chamber Skillnet continues to evolve our online training offerings and our funded training supports to companies within the Tipperary Region via funding from Skillnet Ireland.
We specialise in facilitating training in the areas of Management Development, Leadership, Professional Skills, amongst other courses. We also provide a wide range of funded or co-funded QQI accredited training courses, personal and professional development programmes, seminars and workshops.
Please Note: Skillnet subsidise available to Republic of Ireland businesses only, and not available to state or semi-state bodies.
Supervisory Management Skills (6N2104)
* All fields are mandatory.
* Please fill in trainee information only
* For multiple booking please email admin@countytipperarychamber.com
(Our training programs are open to all private or commercial semi-state companies based in the Republic of Ireland.)
Dates: 6 Days:
Wednesday 21 May
Wednesday 28 May
Wednesday 04 June
Tuesday 10 June
Tuesday 17 June
Tuesday 24 June
Times: 9.00am to 4:00pm
Location: Clonmel - Hotel Minella
Full Cost: €1085
Skillnet Cost: €650 (includes QQI Certification fee and training pack)
The aim of the programme is to equip learners with the skills, knowledge and attitudes to become more proactive by harnessing the expertise and energy of their teams and use emotional intelligence to foster self-sufficient and self-regulating individuals in accordance with international best practice
At the end of this programme participants will be able to:
- Understand the role and responsibilities of a ‘proactive’ supervisor and significantly reduce 'reactive' activities by achieving 100% understanding 100% of the time when communicating, delegating, facilitating and training
- Apply situational leadership to achieve self-sufficient and self-regulating teams and individuals
- Ensure international best practice is employed and preserved within the 'sphere of influence' resulting in consistently achieving above average results and sustaining a happily motivated team with a deep sense of ownership
- Explore a range of supervisory, management and leadership skills including planning, group facilitation, performance conversations, delegation, hosting meetings and time-management
- Develop the critical interpersonal communication skills and emotional intelligence to motivate, lead, facilitate and support individuals and/or teams in collaborative problem solving/planning and consultative decision making
Unit Plan
Unit 1 Supervisory Management
Unit 2 Operational Planning
Unit 3 Team Leadership
Unit 4 Organisational Skills
The programme is delivered in a highly participatory manner applying the 80:20 Rule, whereby, the trainer aims to achieve 80% of the content from the participants and deliver the further 20% content omitted. This is a rule of thumb and varies dramatically. A range of interactive tools are employed to ensure focused, action orientated and balance participation. The programme is delivered in a light-hearted manner and focuses on relevant skills, knowledge and attitudes that deliver results.
Templates for all assessments are available, as well as contact throughout with the trainer. Assessments are completed throughout the programme, in own time, are entirely applicable to the workplace and are real skills for the real world.
Please note that all courses will be conducted contingent upon funding being received and achieving a sufficient number of enrolled learners. If the minimum enrolment threshold is not met, the course may be postponed or cancelled. Enrolled learners will be notified of any changes in a timely manner.
Training Cancellation Policy
Training courses which are cancelled over 7 days in advance of scheduled training date shall incur no cancellation fee. Training courses which are cancelled within 7 days of scheduled training date shall incur a cancellation fee equal to 50% of the cost. Registrants who give less than 24 hours notice or fail to attend training will be charged 100% of the full fee.